Articles for Engage.Mail are generally from within a broadly Evangelical perspective. Ethos does not necessarily endorse every opinion of the authors but promotes their writing to encourage critical thought and discussion.
Writing for Engage.Mail
We are always on the lookout for new writers, especially those from underrepresented communities. If you'd like to submit an article, review, poem, story or artwork, email the editor, Armen Gakavian with either a draft or an abstract. Before emailing us, please read our guidelines here.
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Wednesday, 5 August 2020
| Karly Michelle Edgar
Now that church is all online, it might be time to consider how well we are going. How do we encourage and facilitate church participation and experience in online church gatherings?
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Tuesday, 4 August 2020
| Neville Carr
How does Paul’s idea of equipping the saints for service relate to the ‘Great Commissions’ of Genesis 1 and Matthew 28? The creation narrative is key to how we understand ministry, human flourishing, Christian maturity and the glory of God.
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Thursday, 9 July 2020
| Paul Tyson
Social isolation during a global pandemic makes good public health sense, but should the church seamlessly migrate to an on-line ‘space’? What does this say about our understanding of the gospel, our bodies and the way we gather?
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Thursday, 2 July 2020
| Steve Taylor
With COVID-19 restrictions, 'bubbles' became the word that held our collective, yet uniquely individual, sense of fears and experiences of limits and fragility. Yet limits invite kindness, as the Book of Ruth shows.
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Sunday, 21 June 2020
| Brendan Byrne
We don’t resist by silencing and banning and prohibiting, or by creating an atmosphere of reactive fear in which people self-censor. Rather, we should follow Jesus’ example, who resisted his detractors through argument and debate.
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Friday, 22 May 2020
| Cheryl McGrath
For a long time, we’ve pretended we are ‘disembodied workers’. Maybe a global pandemic is what it will take to abandon the harmful idea that the 24-hour work cycle is healthy for anyone.
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Thursday, 30 April 2020
| Gordon Preece
As churches we have been so cowed by the abuse crisis that we barely raise a peep when we are regarded as an ‘inessential service’. Yet on Anzac Day we can honour the dead and draw on the Easter imagery while also opposing war and critiquing the idolising of national identity.
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Friday, 24 April 2020
| Darren Mitchell
Pared back to its simplest form, the Anzac Day ceremony draws directly on our Christian heritage. Every year, when we gather at dawn, we proclaim the resurrection. May we also employ the Anzac liturgical elements to pray for the spiritual renewal of our nation.
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Monday, 20 April 2020
| Siu Fung Wu
The Apostle Paul tells us to ‘Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep’. As the economic impact of COVID-19 affects the lives of our church communities, how can we allow the pain of others to pain us?
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Monday, 20 April 2020
| Charles Ringma
In the liminal space of the Coronavirus, what can we learn? What may need to change? As our normal routines and rhythms disappear, we have an opportunity to journey deeper into the rich resources of Christian spirituality.
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