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Friday, 20 December 2019
| Joel McKerrow
We name them as helpless so that we don’t have to feel so helpless. But it is time to stop trying to rescue the world when I am really just trying to rescue me. It is time to sit in the dust with those who sit in the dust and just listen.
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Friday, 20 December 2019
| David Martin and John Swinton
The experience of dementia, at times, can be quite frightening. We need people who will love us out of our fear. The role of Christians is to reveal the love of God and to ensure that that which is absent from current legislation is not absent from the lives of Jesus’ disciples.
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Tuesday, 29 October 2019
| Gordon Preece
The Morrison government’s proposed Ensuring Integrity Bill, while ostensibly safeguarding against union abuses, effectively denies the basis of their existence and provides a pathway for interfering in their internal workings. But the right to freely form associations of members around shared core values and concerns is fundamental to democracy.
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Friday, 18 October 2019
| Rosie Kendall
This week is Anti-Poverty Week. Australia is a nation of opportunity, built on equality and a ‘fair go’, yet that’s not how things play out for everyone. How can the Church respond?
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Monday, 30 September 2019
| Christine Aroney-Sine
Rediscovering child-like wonder and the joy of play is essential for our spiritual health. Awe and wonder, imagination and curiosity connect us to the God who is present in every moment and everything in a way that nothing else can.
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Thursday, 26 September 2019
| Siu Fung Wu
Even more dangerous than the overt, crass prosperity gospel of televangelists is a subtle form of prosperity gospel that sees material possessions, financial independence and travelling the world as indicators of a ‘good life’. But how can we be truly rich towards God?
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Tuesday, 24 September 2019
| Brendan Byrne
Cricketer Steve Smith’s recent batting success has been described as his 'redemption'. But what does this claim reveal about modernity’s (mis)understanding of redemption – and its significance for humanity and the church?
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Wednesday, 21 August 2019
| Mersina Papantoniou
President Trump's rhetoric has fanned the flames of racism, creating the environment for shootings such as the one at El Paso. But Republican, evangelical women of all races may have the final say.
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Tuesday, 23 July 2019
| Scott Buchanan
Should a faith-based school be permitted to distinguish between teaching staff on the basis of, say, sexual proclivity? Or does such permission implicitly endorse decisions that are manifestly cruel and bigoted?
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Tuesday, 23 July 2019
| John Buchanan
Should the Victorian model of assisted suicide and euthanasia be extended to other States, as is now being considered? The State’s Assisted Dying Act is deeply flawed, with loose criteria and insufficient protections. And evidence from other countries points to the potential for abuse and harm.
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