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Writing for Engage.Mail
We are always on the lookout for new writers, especially those from underrepresented communities. If you'd like to submit an article, review, poem, story or artwork, email the editor, Armen Gakavian with either a draft or an abstract. Before emailing us, please read our guidelines here.
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Friday, 8 September 2017
| Aleem Ali
Faith practices now transcend the simplistic categories of 'conservative' and 'progressive', 'right' and 'left'. We are increasingly hybrid. But how do we go beyond a selective 'choose your own theology' to a truly Christlike approach to the ethical issues of our time?
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Sunday, 3 September 2017
| Gordon Preece
ACTU boss Sally McManus supports breaking unjust laws in the face of ‘rampant lawlessness’ in Australian workplaces. How radical is this view? And what is a Christian response? The Bible and Church history show that there are times when nonviolent resistance is an unavoidable last resort.
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Sunday, 3 September 2017
| Rex Dale
According to Epicurus, life is to be measured by pleasure, or at least freedom from pain. Christianity, too, is in favour of pleasure; in fact, pleasure can enhance our faith. But the pursuit of pleasure can lead to dead end roads and even disaster, especially when it's seen as the sum and substance of life.
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Monday, 28 August 2017
| Mick Pope
George Monbiot calls for a new language when talking about the environment. Christians have a rich vocabulary and narrative to bring to the table: creation as God's temple, creation as our neighbour and humans as His image-bearers - not merely Homo Economicus, but also Homo Spiritualis.
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Sunday, 27 August 2017
| Ian Hore-Lacy
Through our paid and unpaid work, both in church and outside, we are partners with God in restoring His creation. Using your gifts diligently and energetically is important spiritually to you, is significant to those you serve and is valued by God.
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Monday, 21 August 2017
| Barbara Roberts
What are the key issues around the recent controversy over domestic abuse in the church? What have been the responses? A Cry for Justice reviews the debate and provides an annotated bibliography from 2006 to the present.
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Friday, 18 August 2017
| Stephen McAlpine
Regardless of your view about same sex marriage, the moment it is enacted - or at least after the confetti has settled and the party is over - is the moment we see if our religious freedom laws are strong enough to ensure that dissenting voices can continue to dissent publicly without fear of retribution on the other side of the marriage decision.
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Friday, 18 August 2017
| Susan Adams
I hold to what’s called a ‘classical Christian view of marriage’. It might seem logical, then, that I would vote ‘no’ on legalising same-sex marriage in the upcoming plebiscite. However, I believe there are six reasons why a Christian who holds such a view of marriage might vote ‘yes’.
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Saturday, 12 August 2017
| Peter Corney
Our Postmodern world has embraced an attitude of mind like the Hall of Mirrors, where the self is constantly reflecting on itself. The obsession with self has been facilitated by social media to levels dangerous to youth mental health, setting up a whole generation for great disappointment.
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Thursday, 10 August 2017
| Megan Powell du Toit
How you handle the public debate around the marriage plebiscite will affect your relationships, your ability to be heard when you talk about your faith and how people view the church. Above all, it will affect people in the community for whom this is personal. Here are some tips on how to engage in a thoughtful, Christlike manner.
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