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We are always on the lookout for new writers, especially those from underrepresented communities. If you'd like to submit an article, review, poem, story or artwork, email the editor, Armen Gakavian with either a draft or an abstract. Before emailing us, please read our guidelines here.
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Saturday, 5 August 2017
| Claire Dawson
Loving our neighbours downstream means leaving a safe and thriving planet for future generations. This year's theme for National Science Week in schools is ‘Future Earth’, a perfect opportunity for the church to address Intergenerational Equity by re-framing the debate and re-forming the hearts and minds of people.
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Saturday, 5 August 2017
| Graeme Cann
We as the Church must humbly and regretfully acknowledge that much of the ABC report on domestic violence was fair and true. We must fight against attitudes and beliefs that support the idea that violence can ever be justified and adopt any changes necessary to bring about change.
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Monday, 31 July 2017
| Mick Pope
Many people trust the scientific method until it applies to something like climate change. But relying on personal opinion or faulty theological arguments is irresponsible - climate change is a matter of life and death. We need to ask ourselves what is behind our denialism and take seriously the findings of experts.
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Saturday, 15 July 2017
| Arthur Davis
Our hope in campus ministry is not merely to create more Christians, but a certain kind of Christian: someone whose pursuit of our Master can address the full gamut of academic, professional and urban existence. For this, we need ministries that are not merely on campus or to the campus, but for the campus.
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Saturday, 1 July 2017
| Mick Pope
Time is both cyclical and linear, which means that the end of days is not an end of time, but the beginning of a new time that began with the resurrection. We look forward, not to a disembodied future, but to a New Heaven and New Earth, and we're called to imagine this future in how we live now.
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Wednesday, 14 June 2017
| Ian Hore-Lacy
The Finkel Review into Australia’s National Electricity Market suggests ways of ensuring reliable and affordable electricity, but doesn't get the modelling right and ignores recent data on technology and costs. Let’s pray it doesn't become another political football to the detriment of homes and industries.
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Monday, 5 June 2017
| Mick Pope
Recent comments by conservative Christians in the US have implied that concern about climate change underestimates God and is idolatrous. But they ignore the greatest idolatry of all: Mammon.
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Sunday, 4 June 2017
| Margaret Mowczko
A recent women's conference was told that short hair for women may be rebellious. Was Paul concerned about women's hair and veiling in ancient Corinth? Would he be concerned about it in 21st century Sydney?
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Sunday, 4 June 2017
| Ian Hore-Lacy
Human work is part of God's transforming purposes in the world. Christians are called to apply their lives to meeting people's needs by harnessing the productive potential of creation, while ensuring proper care and respect for creation.
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Monday, 1 May 2017
| Bruce Wearne
The BBC docu-drama, 37 Days, is a stark reminder of the futility and calamity of war. ANZAC day should be a day of solemn remembrance, serious reflection on the state of our world and self-examination: what are we doing to bring peace and justice to the world?
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